October 13, 2011

Working out the colon

Aside from maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise also helps in preventing cancer. A 2009 study published in the British Journal of Cancer found that people who exercise more often have slim chances of getting colon cancer than those who live a sedentary life and that physical activity protects the body against the said disease.  This finding should motivate people to have a more active lifestyle than being a couch potato.  People should remember that diet and exercise should always go hand-in-hand to in order to win the battle against cancer prevention.   Below is a list of five exercises that are said to be good for the colon.
Running is a popular exercise
nowadays. Photo credit here
1.   Walking/Running. A study conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis in 2007 found that walking for an hour every week helps prevent colon cancer. Women who also walked an average of 1 to 1.9 hours are less prone from colon cancer than women who rarely walk.Both walking and running lowers the chance of getting colon cancer since these exercises improve the blood flow to and from the intestines, resulting to an efficient and healthier digestive system.
 2.Abdominal Exercises. People who are doing abs exercises now have another reason why it pays to do sit-ups and crunches everyday. Strong abdominal muscles move the matter through the colon and increase the chance that these body toxins and wastes will be eliminated in the body as soon as possible through defecation.
3. Jumping Rope.  A 10-minute jump rope everyday is almost equivalent to running eight miles already. Aside from a good body workout, this activity makes the colon healthy since jumping several times cleanses and tightens our organs especially our intestines. The increase in heart rate, caused by this activity, improves the blood circulation in the body.
Release your stress with yoga
Credit here
4.  Yoga.  Doing yoga is a very relaxing and calming exercise as well as a good stress buster. Stress is one of the factors in many colon-related diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) so before it eats you up, engage in activities that will calm you. Several yoga positions promote digestive stability as it strengthen and stretch abdominal muscles which is helpful in cleaning the digestive system, prevents diarrhea, relieve stomach acidity and spastic colon.  Some useful yoga positions that promote a healthy colon include crow yoga pose, cobra yoga pose, headstand, hero pose, and the inverted staff pose.  

5.Trampoline Exercise. Trampoline exercise can do so much for the body. Called rebounding exercise, it enhances both the digestion and elimination process by improving the peristaltic movement in the intestines and activates major organs like liver, lungs, and kidneys that are involved in the elimination of body wastes. It also contributes to the toning of the muscles in the colon and improves the over-all supply of oxygen in the body.
Trampoline exercise
seems fun! Credit here

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