October 24, 2011

5 New Ways to Look at Honey

Treat your sorethroat
with honey. Credit here

1.Treats sore throats.Honey’s anti-bacterial property soothes the throat and kills infection-causing bacteria found in it. You may choose either to take a spoonful of honey and mix with lemon juice (optional) or take two tablespoons of honey combined with four tablespoons of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Some people also add a pinch of red or black pepper to the concoction, believing that it will increase blood circulation on their throat.

2. Heals wounds, cut, and burns. Honey speeds up the healing of wounds, cuts, and burns because of its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal effects. It prevents infections because it kills the bacteria surrounding the wound, stimulates the repair of wound tissues, and prohibits malodorous wounds. It can also be applied topically to the affected area or on a dressing but make sure that the wound is fully covered with honey. The required amount of honey is 20ml per 10x10 cm dressing.    

Too much alcohol can cause
hangover. Fight it with honey.
Credit here
 3. Prevents hang-over. Surprisingly, honey provides relief to people who had too much alcohol from a previous drinking session. Honey is a good cure for hangover since its fructose content help the body metabolize the alcohol quickly while potassium counteracts the effects of alcohol in the body.  Simply combine two spoons of honey and mix together with 80ml orange juice and 70ml natural yogurt or take two to three teaspoons of honey every 20minutes to ease the signs of hangover.  

4. Sleeplessness.When honey is taken by the body, the amino acid tryptophan gets released in the bloodstream and enters the brain. This tryptophan will soon be converted to serotonin. Meanwhile, serotonin gets converted to melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone. Including honey in your bedtime ritual helps solve this problem. Just add two teaspoons of honey and mix it with warm milk or chamomile tea before drinking it.   

Honey's anti-inflammatory
property helps improve one's skin
condition. Credit here 
5. Skin problems. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of honey make it a good and effective cure for people with skin problems like acne. It can also be used as skin moisturizer because of its ability to attract and trap the water to the skin to make it moist, elastic, and supple.  Dry skin can easily be remedied by combining a teaspoon of honey, olive oil, and lemon juice and applying it on the affected areas for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Honey can also be used as a hair conditioner by mixing it with olive oil before applying it on the hair.

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