November 8, 2011

FYI: There's such a thing as prediabetes

Prediabetes is a condition when the body’s blood glucose level is higher than the normal but low enough to be considered diabetes. Dr. Vivian Fonesca, MD, a professor and chief of endocrinology at the Tulane University Health Services Center in New Orleans, described it as a “silent” condition since it attacks the body but shows no symptoms. The American Diabetic Association (ADA) advised people in their 40s and up, who are at risk of this condition, to have regular medical check-ups to monitor their condition and avoid type 2 diabetes.

Prediabetes should be taken seriously to avoid things
from getting more complicated in the future. Credit
Potential prediabetes patients should undergo Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) test or Oral Glucose Tolerant Test (OGTT) to check their condition. Both tests require fasting.
FPG is done after eight hours of fasting and is done every morning. Normal fasting blood glucose level is below 100 mg/dl. If a person’s fasting glucose level reached between 100 and and 125 mg/dl, the person suffers from pre-diabetes but if it goes beyond 125 mg/dl, the person is diabetic. OGTT, meanwhile, is measured after fasting for eight hours and another two hours after the patient was instructed to drink a sweet beverage. Normal blood sugar level is below 140 mg/dl. A blood sugar level between 140 and 199 mg/dl indicates prediabetes while blood glucose level at 200 above means a person has diabetes.
Prediabetes can lead to type 2 diabetes if left untreated.
The best way to treat prediabetes is through weight reduction. A study conducted by the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) in the US concluded that diabetes can be prevented or delayed by trimming at least 10 to 15 lbs of the current body weight.  Engaging in physical activities and eating a well-balanced diet are effective weight loss regimens.
Physical activities such as swimming, running, walking, or exercising for 30 minutes help burn the calories in the body. Foods rich in fiber are the most popular “weight loss” food solutions. Fiber gives people a “full feeling” after eating and slows down digestion. It also shuts down the appetite center of the brain since the chewing process takes longer time, giving a signal to the brain that the body’s food supply is enough. It addition, fiber helps lower the body’s sugar level as it delays the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and increase insulin sensitivity.
One good source of fiber is wheatgrass. It cannot only do weight loss wonders because of its high-fiber content but its essential nutrients nourish and protect the body against harmful diseases such as heart ailments, anemia, cancer, and diabetes.
Diabetes runs in our blood. One of the reasons why my lolo died is because he's diabetic; my lola is suffering from diabetes for so many years now; and mommy was being closely monitored because she's a potential prediabetes patient. I'm just thankful that I discovered Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass which helps prevent diabetes because of the different nutrients it gives to the body.
I ♥ Wheatgrass with Honey's
sweet taste.Makes me forget
I'm drinking wheatgrass :) Credit

October 27, 2011

Antioxidants: what it does to your body

Famous antioxidant research scientist Dr. Lester Packer, PhD., believes that degenerative diseases like cancer and heart diseases indicate aging since the body’s immune system becomes weak because of the presence of too many free radicals in the body.  Free radicals are easily killed by antioxidants.
Vitamin E is one of the most
popular antioxidants and is
a skin-friendly nutrient.
Credit here
Antioxidants are group of different chemical substances whose primary function is to boost the immune system and delay the signs of aging by attacking the harmful free radicals in the body. Four powerful antioxidants are naturally found in foods like fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin E, a known antioxidant, neutralizes the free radicals in the body that were produced during the oxidation process. Oxidation is a process when oxygen is used to break down the body’s tissues. Enough supply of vitamin E in the body delays aging since free radicals get the electrons of Vitamin E and leave the healthy cells in the body to prevent the tissues from being damaged.
It also enhances the body’s immune system and prohibits certain diseases. This vitamin prevents the clogging of arteries and allows blood to flow easily through arteries to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular problems. It lowers the risk of cancer by stopping carcinogenic nitrosamines, which can be found in some foods, from forming in the stomach. Common food sources include nuts, whole grains, wheat products, vegetable oils, and dark leafy green vegetables like broccoli.
Vitamin C rich foods include
citrus foods like lemon,
dalandan, and green veggies.
Credit here
Vitamin C destroys the free radicals in the body, which can also be drawn from external sources such as stress and pollution, repairs damaged tissues, boosts the immune system, helps strengthen teeth and bones, and speeds up the healing of wounds. It also prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) or the bad cholesterol which is the root of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular ailments. Foods that are rich in vitamin C are citrus foods such as orange and lemon, dark leafy green vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, peppers, and berries.

Beta-carotene is known as the pro-vitamin A since the body converts this to vitamin A when needed. It helps improve and maintain healthy skin and eyes, strengthens bones, lessens the physical signs of aging, and stimulates the immune cell macrophages that can kill cancer cells. Carrots, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and tomato are good sources of beta-carotene.    
Selenium activates prostaglandins that are responsible in regulating blood pressure and the production of glutathione, another antioxidant. It boosts the immune cell activity in order to delay the growth of tumors in the body, thus preventing cancer. Its anti-inflammatory property also helps relieve the pain of people with arthritis.  Well-known foods that have high selenium content include brown rice, chicken, eggs, garlic, onion, whole grains, seafood, and vegetables.

October 24, 2011

5 New Ways to Look at Honey

Treat your sorethroat
with honey. Credit here

1.Treats sore throats.Honey’s anti-bacterial property soothes the throat and kills infection-causing bacteria found in it. You may choose either to take a spoonful of honey and mix with lemon juice (optional) or take two tablespoons of honey combined with four tablespoons of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Some people also add a pinch of red or black pepper to the concoction, believing that it will increase blood circulation on their throat.

2. Heals wounds, cut, and burns. Honey speeds up the healing of wounds, cuts, and burns because of its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal effects. It prevents infections because it kills the bacteria surrounding the wound, stimulates the repair of wound tissues, and prohibits malodorous wounds. It can also be applied topically to the affected area or on a dressing but make sure that the wound is fully covered with honey. The required amount of honey is 20ml per 10x10 cm dressing.    

Too much alcohol can cause
hangover. Fight it with honey.
Credit here
 3. Prevents hang-over. Surprisingly, honey provides relief to people who had too much alcohol from a previous drinking session. Honey is a good cure for hangover since its fructose content help the body metabolize the alcohol quickly while potassium counteracts the effects of alcohol in the body.  Simply combine two spoons of honey and mix together with 80ml orange juice and 70ml natural yogurt or take two to three teaspoons of honey every 20minutes to ease the signs of hangover.  

4. Sleeplessness.When honey is taken by the body, the amino acid tryptophan gets released in the bloodstream and enters the brain. This tryptophan will soon be converted to serotonin. Meanwhile, serotonin gets converted to melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone. Including honey in your bedtime ritual helps solve this problem. Just add two teaspoons of honey and mix it with warm milk or chamomile tea before drinking it.   

Honey's anti-inflammatory
property helps improve one's skin
condition. Credit here 
5. Skin problems. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of honey make it a good and effective cure for people with skin problems like acne. It can also be used as skin moisturizer because of its ability to attract and trap the water to the skin to make it moist, elastic, and supple.  Dry skin can easily be remedied by combining a teaspoon of honey, olive oil, and lemon juice and applying it on the affected areas for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Honey can also be used as a hair conditioner by mixing it with olive oil before applying it on the hair.

October 17, 2011

Understanding Depression

Depression can kill you unless you don't
do something about it. Credit here
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one life is taken away every 40 seconds while an estimated one million deaths worldwide is due to suicide. Depression is one of the reasons why people commit suicide, with women twice likely to suffer from this condition than men.
Filipinos are known as one of the happiest people in the world. Surprisingly, WHO reported that the Philippines holds the highest depression incidence in Southeast Asia with 93 out of 100,000 Filipinos committing suicides.
Several factors contribute to depression among women but one of the reasons is due to hormonal imbalance. Women should realize the possible long-term effect of this condition since most of them seem not bothered with an irregular menstrual cycle.
When a woman fails to ovulate every month, the ovaries cannot produce enough progesterone in the body and obviously, progesterone level will drop while the estrogen level increases. Researchers believed there is a relation on female hormones and one’s mood because estrogen and progesterone directly affect the neuroendocrine, neurotransmitter, and circadian systems which are related to mood disorders.
Estrogen boosts serotonin which fights depression and increases the “happy hormone” endorphin while progesterone balances the estrogen level in the body, promotes sleep, and stabilizes the libido (which is a natural antidepressant). Low estrogen level can cause depression while unstable progesterone level causes insomnia and bad mood.  Another hormone that affects one’s mood is cortisol which manages the body’s ability to handle stress.  High cortisol level causes agitation and insomnia while low cortisol level results to extreme fatigue and inability to deal with stress, and mood swings.
The fluctuating levels of these two female hormones cause pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS wherein women suffer from anxiety, irritation, and headaches. However, a simple PMS can lead to pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) wherein patients cannot cope with their condition or worse, experience great depression. The last thing that we want to happen to an extremely depressed person is to commit suicide right?
To prevent this from happening, a change in lifestyle won’t hurt that much. Get involved with physical activities and stay away from products that have high levels of chemicals on it. Load yourself with foods rich in phytoestrogens like corn, apples, broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, wheatgerm, and even soymilk. These practices help restore hormonal balance in the body. More importantly, seek medical assistance since they know how to address your concerns.

October 13, 2011

Working out the colon

Aside from maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise also helps in preventing cancer. A 2009 study published in the British Journal of Cancer found that people who exercise more often have slim chances of getting colon cancer than those who live a sedentary life and that physical activity protects the body against the said disease.  This finding should motivate people to have a more active lifestyle than being a couch potato.  People should remember that diet and exercise should always go hand-in-hand to in order to win the battle against cancer prevention.   Below is a list of five exercises that are said to be good for the colon.
Running is a popular exercise
nowadays. Photo credit here
1.   Walking/Running. A study conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis in 2007 found that walking for an hour every week helps prevent colon cancer. Women who also walked an average of 1 to 1.9 hours are less prone from colon cancer than women who rarely walk.Both walking and running lowers the chance of getting colon cancer since these exercises improve the blood flow to and from the intestines, resulting to an efficient and healthier digestive system.
 2.Abdominal Exercises. People who are doing abs exercises now have another reason why it pays to do sit-ups and crunches everyday. Strong abdominal muscles move the matter through the colon and increase the chance that these body toxins and wastes will be eliminated in the body as soon as possible through defecation.
3. Jumping Rope.  A 10-minute jump rope everyday is almost equivalent to running eight miles already. Aside from a good body workout, this activity makes the colon healthy since jumping several times cleanses and tightens our organs especially our intestines. The increase in heart rate, caused by this activity, improves the blood circulation in the body.
Release your stress with yoga
Credit here
4.  Yoga.  Doing yoga is a very relaxing and calming exercise as well as a good stress buster. Stress is one of the factors in many colon-related diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) so before it eats you up, engage in activities that will calm you. Several yoga positions promote digestive stability as it strengthen and stretch abdominal muscles which is helpful in cleaning the digestive system, prevents diarrhea, relieve stomach acidity and spastic colon.  Some useful yoga positions that promote a healthy colon include crow yoga pose, cobra yoga pose, headstand, hero pose, and the inverted staff pose.  

5.Trampoline Exercise. Trampoline exercise can do so much for the body. Called rebounding exercise, it enhances both the digestion and elimination process by improving the peristaltic movement in the intestines and activates major organs like liver, lungs, and kidneys that are involved in the elimination of body wastes. It also contributes to the toning of the muscles in the colon and improves the over-all supply of oxygen in the body.
Trampoline exercise
seems fun! Credit here

October 10, 2011

Get Healthy by the Dozen!

I'm glad that a 711 outlet is just a stone's throw away in our house. The accessibility is too comforting  and helpful in satisfying my sudden food cravings like  my all-time fave Chuckie, a bar of Nestle Crunch or Kit-Kat Dark, an asado siopao, or a bag of Doritos. Oooops, did I just say that I luuuurve these foods despite my so-called attempt to eating healthy? ^_^

I'm just human you, know. It wouldn't hurt if I give in to food temptations once in a while.  Living a healthy lifestyle or advocating for healthy eating habits shouldn't be seen as a form of punishing one's self. Eating in moderation, especially unhealthy foods is the secret.

Over the weekend, I was surprised to learn that Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass Ready-To-Drink has an ongoing promo! They're having this Healthy by the Dozen promo.

The healthy drink just got more affordable, yipee ^_^
Being a wheatgrass lover that I am, I didn't have second thoughts of going back to our house and told my parents about the ongoing promo. They also love wheatgrass so I didn't have a hard time convincing them to buy a dozen pack good enough for  a week's supply. I was surprised that they bought  two dozens! Hahaha. At least now I'm assured of having wheatgrass rtd can stocks in the fridge.  ^_^

October 6, 2011

Fiber 101

Everytime I go to the grocery, I can't help but notice that almost all products have the "fiber rich" label on them. It seems that it's a health fad.
One of the reasons why fiber is popular is because of its ability to reduce weight. There are three reasons why it is effective in losing weight. First, it delays digestion of food in the intestines that’s why a person feels full for a longer time. Second, since fibrous foods require longer chewing time, the brain sends signals to its appetite center that food supply is enough. In addition, the production of additional saliva and stomach juices due to prolonged chewing also help fill the stomach. Lastly, fiber promotes regular waste elimination.
Know which foods are fiber-rich. Photo credit here
Fiber also helps regularize bowel movement and prevent bowel movement disorders like constipation, hemorrhoids, divecticulosis, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) from occurring. Fiber absorbs water from the bowels and eventually softens and increases the bulk of stools. A bulky and soft stool is easier to eliminate thereby preventing the build-up of fecal wastes in the body. 
Not many people may be aware of this, but fiber improves one’s over-all health condition. Soluble fiber found in oats and beans is found to lower the bad cholesterol level of the body and slows down the absorption of sugar in the body. This way, the body maintains its normal glucose level and the risk of diabetes is reduced. A diet rich in fiber also reduces blood pressure and controls inflammation, preventing heart diseases.
Aside from heart ailments, several studies proved that fiber-rich foods also prevent the occurrence of certain diseases like diabetes and cancer.
Experts believe that fiber plays an important role in preventing certain kinds of cancer like colon, ovarian, and breast cancer. For instance, colon cancer can be avoided if one’s diet is rich in fiber because it nourishes healthy bacteria in the colon to prevent toxic substances and carcinogens from attacking the intestines. In addition, fiber also produces a certain fatty acid called butyrate that helps prevent colon cancer. High-fiber diet is also the simplest way to fight diabetes. Fiber regulates the glucose level in the body since it slowly absorbs the sugar. A regular glucose level is important to reduce the risk of getting diabetes.

September 28, 2011

Detox, anyone?

Everyday, we take a bath, brush our teeth, and change our clothes. Observing proper personal hygiene is important because it prevents us from getting sick. However, doing these things does not make us immune from germs and viruses. A healthy body always start from within---how efficient or inefficient our internal organs work tells so much about the true state of our health condition. 
Everyday, our bodies are exposed to acids and harmful toxins caused by our food and liquid intake, stress, and even pollution. These substances need to be eliminated immediately from the body or else these accumulated wastes will cause to serious health conditions. That's why it's important that we detoxify our bodies regularly.
There's a wide range of antioxidant products in the market nowadays that promise to expel body wastes. One example is Del Monte's popular Pineapple Juice which is a personal fave of mine.
And of course my new drink, the ready-to-drink wheatgrass.
Aside from these affordable drinks, there are also detox programs being practiced by people nowadays. Regardless of the chosen program, the important thing is to eliminate these wastes before it pile up and create a serious problem to our health.
1. Full body detox aims to cleanse the colon, kidney, liver, and other organs of the body. Under this program, a person needs to undergo a certain number of “detoxification days” which is succeeded by a strict diet that needs to be observed for the next couple of days in order to give the digestive system a chance to relax. Raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, and wheat-based foods usually make up the total body detox diet although laxatives are sometimes included. Food and herbal supplements and exercises that improve blood circulation and waste elimination are also important.
Natural detox diet requires eating fiber-rich foods and drinking plenty of water as this program emphasizes the importance of fiber in the cleansing process. Remember to take them in equal amounts since too much fiber but low water content leads to constipation.
2. Colon cleansing targets the cleansing of colon by removing the mucoid plaque that clings to the colon’s wall and clogs the colon passageways. A healthy colon means proper digestion and the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients from the food that we eat.
Doing a colon cleansing involves fasting, consuming raw vegetables and foods, drinking lots of juices and avoiding caffeinated drinks, and foods that are probiotics like yogurt. Several colon cleansing products are also available in the market such as this one from Easy Pha-max:
3.Foot detox focused on the deoxifying the body through feet because it contain more pores and have the most number of sweat glands in the body. This way, the toxins in the body get released easily because of too many "outlets." People who tried foot detox claimed of experiencing immediate relief while scientists are still skeptic on its true efficacy in getting rid of toxins in the body. This program can either be done using foot bath detox or simplu using detox fads. This program looks interesting! I wonder where I can buy those detox pads.

September 22, 2011

Have a sweet life

I have a sweet tooth that's why it's hard for me to resist a bar of my fave dark chocolate or a slice of Estrels which is the best cake in the whole dessert world for me :-) 

My latest addiction though is the more affordable nips which I bought last week when we had our grocery. My mother scolded me for finishing the whole bag of mini-nips in just one sitting last night not because I didn't share it in our household but because she reminded me that diabetes runs in our blood. As if I can't understand what she just said, she even emphasized that both my grandfathers and several relatives died of this disease. Believe me mother dear, I got your point. It's just that it's hard to resist temptation.
I really appreciate my mother's concern towards my health. Even her is suffering from pre-diabetes while my maternal grandmother already has an eye cataract for several years now because of her long-time diabetes.  I know that sooner or later, I need to reduce my intake of food and beverages that are high in sugar like white rice and bread, chocolates, pastries, and carbonated drinks. Gaaaaah! They're hard to resist! It's like you're given a choice if you're going to eat or not. :-(  Starvation, eh?

But of course I need to heed my mother's reminder because I don't want to suffer in the future. Little by little, I'll change my eating habits so that my body can fully adjust. I know it'll be hard but health should always be given a priority right?

Anyway, I researched seven foods that are good for diabetics. Whether I'll eat them in the future (hopefully noooo) or not, this list will also benefit those people I know who have diabetes or at leatst who have friends or relatives who also have this disease. If you happen to know one too, be generous in sharing the list to them.

1.Cinnamon. Daily intake of ½ teaspoon of cinnamon improved insulin production and blood sugar and lower triglycerides, blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol of type 2 diabetes patients. Polyphenpol, an active ingredient of cinnamon, also helps in keeping the body’s insulin level normal and transport glucose in the body efficiently
Garlic is not just for cooking
it's good for your health
too. Credit here
2.Garlic. Several studies proved that garlic is effective not just in lowering the blood sugar but also in repairing pancreas cells. The presence of diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin) and allyl propul disulphide (APDS) allow the pancreas to increase the production of insulin in the body.

3.Beans. Eating beans regularly help regulate one’s blood sugar level because of its high soluble fiber content.  The soluble fiber found in beans decreases digestion rate making a person to feel full longer and stabilizes blood sugar level to avoid a sudden drop or increase in sugar level in the body.

4. Bitter gourd. This vegetable, despite its unimpressive taste,is discovered to possess lectin which is responsible in lowering blood glucose concentration and charantin which increases insulin sensitivity. Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and iron found in this vegetable can also prevent diabetic patients from hypertension and eye complications. 

5.Oats, cereals, legumes.  Aside from fruits and vegetables, wholegrain products are also good sources of fiber.  Fiber delays the absorption of sugar in the blood making it easier for the body’s sugar level to be controlled.

6. Yogurt. Soy products like yogurt have high content of phenol and antioxidants which help regulate blood sugar level and prevent hypertension. Studies also claimed that low-fat dairy products lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
My favorite wheatgrass in a can!

7.   Wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is said to be the “ super food” because it  is loaded with essential vitamins C, E and B, minerals like zinc and copper, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, and several enzymes to help cure or prevent several diseases such as diabetes. The fiber found in wheatgrass regulates the absorption of sugar and cholesterol. Magnesium, the main element of chlorophyll that is responsible for plants’ green pigmentation, keeps bones and muscles strong, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and prevents cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, and nephropathy, which are the popular complications from diabetes. Copper and manganese help improve glucose control while zinc regulates blood sugar level.

Good thing that I'm drinking wheatgrass. But of course I should not depend too much on it. I mean I can drink a can or two of my fave wheatgrass ready-to-drink that I've been blogging about but if I continue eating foods high in sugar and do not engage myself in physical activities, I am not safe from diabetes. But I won't let that happen to myself. I won't.

September 20, 2011

I Can Drink the Good Drink

Food supplements are popular as people realized the importance and benefits of healthy living, paying extra attention to their diet. For others, these supplements compensate for their preference for foods that have high amounts of salt, oil, sugar, and fats.
Food supplements, mostly in tablet forms, promise to give the body the much needed nutrients in order for it to function well. However, taking these products in large amounts may pose a threat to one’s health. Too much Vitamin A intake can lead to headaches, blurred visions and even kidney problems while a large quantity of Vitamin B6 intake can lead to serious problems in the nervous system in the future. There is also a possibility that the contents of the food supplement will have an adverse effect on other medicines especially if a person is under medication. For instance, calcium content of the food supplement will have a negative reaction on certain heart medications that might aggravate one’s medical condition. Food supplements should be taken according to its required daily dosage since nutrients from food supplements have a different effect on the body compared to the nutrients from natural, healthy foods.
Dietician and British Nutrition Foundation spokesperson Sarah Schenker suggested that instead of these food supplements, people should increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables since they do not only contain vitamins and minerals but also “many other plant substances” such as phytochemicals which is lacking in food supplements.
Good thing I'm not a fan of food supplments though. I'm not really into drinking tablets or capsules since I've read that frequent intake of these medicines will only damage your kidney. We learned that abusing simple painkiller tablets may aggravate the detoriariation of kidneys. We learned our lesson well from the experience of my late brother. While we stock on paracetamols or neozeps at home, my mom would always insist that we go for natural remedies like increasing veggie and fruit consumption, drinking more liquids (water and juices), get lots of sleep and rest, and avoid staying up late. 
Cosplay goddess Alodia Gosengfiao is a
wheatgrass drinker herself!
Green leafy vegetables are highly nutritious because of its chlorophyll-rich content. Chlorophyll is also important to human body since it helps in the production of healthy red blood cells. High amount of hemoglobin in the bloodstream increases the amount of oxygen-rich blood that circulates in the body. Cells thrive in oxygen-rich blood.  
 Barley grass and wheatgrass are also natural food supplements that are gaining popularity. Both contains an equally high amount of nutrients on it including calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, enzymes that are important in the body, chlorophyll, and fiber content. But what makes wheatgrass superior than barley grass is the presence of P4D1 enzyme which is known for its anti-inflammatory property and its ability to fight cancer cells. Aside from preventing cancer cells from multiplying in the body, wheatgrass is also effective in preventing diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular problems.   

Im thinking that I should continue drinking the wheatgrass product that I recently discovered.  I was just happy that this drink improved my digestion during my one-week trial. I cannot, of course, say if wheatgrass can really lower my blood sugar or cholesterol level since I'm pretty confident that my sugar and cholesterol levels are still on their normal level. Nor can I attest to the product's efficacy in preventing cancers or cardiovascular problems simply because I haven't been diagnosed to suffer from any of these ailments (thank God). But what can I just say is that since I've started taking this product, going to the bathroom becomes comfortable every morning. Add to that, I didn't get hungry easily after I consumed one can. I swear! Before I go home, I always drop by at the nearest 711 store and consume my a can before I boarded the shuttle. Travel time is almost 2 hours and surprisingly, I didn't get hungry at all. Maybe it's the fiber content of this drink that leaves me feel "stuffed." I thought it was just a coincidence but my one-week trial hypothesized that maybe this drink can also be a good form of diet. Just think of FIBER!  

September 17, 2011

Doing Yoga Upside Down

My bestfriend has been bugging me to enrol in a yoga class with her for sometime now. I would only smile at her since I'm not really interested with the said activity. I hate activities that require bending and the likes since I'm not flexible at all. 
I came across an interesting article today regarding a new form of yoga that's making a buzz abroad: AntiGravity Yoga. I know that I'm not a yoga fan but this type of yoga is really a stand-out. In fact, it reminded me of Pink's outstanding performance some two years ago.
Who would think that combining yoga and acrobatics would make a good workout?
While nursing an injury in India, world-renowned gymnast Christopher Harrison got into yoga and realized that  combining it with acrobatics can be a promising body workout since both practices allow people to stretch their body.
White sheets are important for
this kind of yoga. Credit here
AntiGravity Yoga, a fusion of yoga, pilates, dance, calisthenics, and acrobatics, is currently making waves abroad since Harrison started it in 2007. This workout is a perfect mix of promoting flexibility and aligning the body without overstressing the joints or compressing the spinal column. Unlike traditional yoga classes where participants are grounded on the floor (since they either sit or stand on the mat), students in this class are hanging upside down in the air through a silk hammock suspended three feet above the floor.  The idea of a hammock supporting your body is quite scary but people who are into it actually see it as their “security blanket,” literally speaking, because it primarily supports the spinal column and hips enabling them to freely stretch or bend their bodies. An added “security” feature is that this cloth sheet can hold as heavy as 1,000 lbs so you don’t need to worry that it might tear down or collapse while you’re doing simple to the more complex poses in the air.
Antigravity Yoga will make your
 world upside down. Credit here
Proponents of this practice believe that AntiGravity Yoga is very important especially to athletes because it makes them more flexible and faster. People can freely do inverted poses in the air since a cloth supports their back so stretching and bending their bodies will not be a problem and instead, encourage them more to explore their body’s flexibility. Hanging upside down decompresses the spinal column and creates more open spaces in our spine. The movements involved in this regimen also aims to promote joint mobility to make the spine more flexible.   Joint mobility and spine flexibility make a person faster. Chances of neck or back compression while doing difficult yoga poses are also lessened since the hammock acts as the body’s support system.
So the next time you see a person supported by a white cloth and turned upside down while suspended in the air just like what Pink did in the 2010 Emmy Awards, keep in mind that doing this “stunt” can actually do some good in your body.

September 15, 2011

Drinking a Healthier Option

I've been addicted to drinking carbonated drinks since I was a child. Back in my gradeschool and highschool days, I always snob the orange juice my mom prepared and instead go to the caf to buy myself a can of soda. After all, a can of ice cold Coke is hard to resist especially if it perfectly complements my everyday baon. My addiction in softdrinks got worse when I entered college. I drink softdrinks like water!
Soft drinks are popular because of its accessibility, addicting taste, and cheap price. I only had a change of heart when I discovered that behind its sweet taste lies the many negative effects in our health that might trigger a more serious health condition in the future. Scary, right?

Even insects are Coke lovers. Photo credit here

I'm posting this entry to remind myself why I should trade my can of softdrinks for more healthy drinks available in the market in order to prevent the health risks that come with these carbonated drinks. Researchers discovered that women who consume fruit juices on a daily basis are not prone to diabetes because they contain natural sweeteners unlike the added sugar found in sodas. Besides, fruit juices are also healtheir since it contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber that cannot be found in soft drinks.
7 reasons why you should stop drinking softdrinks: 
1. Too much caffeine. Aside from coffee, our favorite soft drinks contain a high amount of caffeine that makes us more dependent and addictive to it. Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., psychiatry and neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins University, acknowledged that caffeine addiction and withdrawal is a medical disorder. People who withdraw from caffeine suffer from headache, poor concentration, and fatigue while others claim they have fever, muscle pain, and even nausea. 
Too much caffeine intake causes irritability, tension, anxiety, mild depression, restlessness, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, gastrointestinal disturbance, insomnia, and excessive urination (caffeine is diuretic). 
2. High acidity level. Despite its sweet taste, soft drinks are the most acidic beverage in the market with a pH level of 2.5, the same acid level as vinegar. Too much acid in the body is dangerous because it oxidizes the substances that come in contact with it. Oxidation may be a good thing but most of the time, it destructs an element’s properties and make it weak or rusty (in the case of metals).  
Phosphoric acid that comes from soft drinks has a negative effect on the stomach’s hydrochloric acid resulting to indigestion since the stomach fails to function properly. Undigested food in the stomach also causes bloating.

3. Weakens bones.  Food Politics author Dr. Marion Nestle said adolescents who consume soft drinks more are more prone to bone fractures than non-regular drinkers. Soft drinks contain phosphate which, when taken in excessive amounts, lead to the weakening of bones because it prevents the body to absorb iron, calcium, zinc, and magnesium which are all important in strengthening bones.  Phosphoric acid and caffeine in soft drinks prohibit these nutrients to reach bones since the diuretic property of caffeine causes these nutrients to be flushed in the body through excessive urination.

Pearly white no more. Credit here
4. Teeth problems.   Dr. Elson Haas, The Detox Diet author, said that high phosphorus intake from soft drinks results to tooth decay and loss, periodontal disease, and even gingivitis. The high acid content in soft drinks easily dissolves the calcium found in the enamel of the teeth. Once the enamel was destroyed, teeth become more sensitive and more prone to decay. Sugar content also contributes to the corrosion of teeth. Layers of clear plaque are formed when sugar is deposited on the teeth. Bacteria will soon feed on the sugar deposit in the teeth, causing the rotting of teeth.
5. Obesity. Researchers found a direct link of drinking soft drinks to obesity because of its high calorie content. For instance, an 8 ounce of one carbonated drink has 100-200 calories while a daily consumption of a 330 ml single can is equivalent to more than 1lb of monthly weight gain. In addition, researchers also found that obesity is 1.6 times greater to those who regularly consume soft drinks.
6. Thirst. Drinking soft drinks makes you thirstier rather than quenching your thirst. Do not drink soft drinks if you are thirsty because the saliva level is low. Caffeine and sugar content in these carbonated drinks also account why they are diuretics. So even if you increase its liquid intake, you will still feel thirsty because the kidneys try to flush the high sugar content in the body.
7. Diabetes. Diabetes is possible among soda regular drinkers.  Regular consumption of soft drinks (or soda habit) promotes weight gain that could possibly lead to obesity. Obesity is one of the risk factors of diabetes. In addition, the body cannot produce insulin effectively because of the fat cells in the body.
A recent trip to a nearby 7-11 outlet led me to a new discovery: Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass Ready-To-Drink. It was really 99% curiosity on my part why I decided to buy this product. I mean, wheatgrass has been a buzz for quite sometime now. And since I'm trying to look for a better substitute to Coke and try something new to avoid the umay factor of drinking C2 Apple I decided to give it a shot.
Wheatgrass in an instant!
The taste was not that bad afterall. I actually thought that it would taste like damo because it's wheatgrass but I was proven wrong. It tasted like a sweetened green tea. Plus, I read somewhere that wheatgrass is really good for the body because it detoxifies the body, making it cleaner and free against the free radicals that threaten one's health condition. Definitely, this drink will be part of my weekly "healthy living" ritual.

August 5, 2011

Who wants to be fat anyway?

Food temptations...they're so hard to resist *sigh*
Fat Theology
And God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow vegetable of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.
And Satan created McDonald's. And McDonald's brought forth the 99-cent double-cheeseburger. And Satan said to Man, "You want fries with that?"
And Man said, "Super size them." And Man gained pounds.
And God created the healthful yogurt, that woman might keep her figure that man found so fair.
And Satan brought forth chocolate. And woman gained pounds.
And God said, "Try my crispy fresh salad."
And Satan brought forth ice cream. And woman gained pounds.
And God said, "I have sent your heart healthy vegetables and olive oil with which to cook them."
And Satan brought forth chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter.
And Man gained pounds and his bad cholesterol went through the roof.
And God brought forth running shoes and Man resolved to lose those extra pounds.
And Satan brought forth cable TV with remote control so Man would not have to toil to change channels between ESPN and ESPN2.
And Man gained pounds.
And God said, "You're running up the score, Devil."
And God brought forth the potato, a vegetable naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition.
And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fat fried them. And he created sour cream dip also.
And Man clutched his remote control and ate the potato chips swaddled in cholesterol.
And Satan saw and said, "It is good."
And Man went into cardiac arrest.
And God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.
And Satan created HMOs.

This cracked me up LOL.

Seriously, unhealthy foods are really hard to resist which leads to the increasing number of obesity cases worldwide. As of 2008, 9.8% of the total male population are already obese as compared to the 4.8% in 1980. Obesity among women worldwide also jumped from 7.9% in 1980 to 13.8% in 2008. Obesity rate is high among first world countries like the US, New Zealand, and Australia where fastfood servings are larger than life. Obesity rate in the Philippines, luckily, is not that high although the figures already went up. DOH should do something about it before the situation goes out of hand while Filipinos should do their part and not depend on DOH's health advisories or reminders. Filipinos are smart enough to know how they can prevent obesity by choosing a healthier lifestyle which means no smoking and drinking (ehem!haha), getting proper sleep and rest, exercising regularly (a 30-minute leisure walk will do), and of course maintaning a healthy diet (avoid fatty, oily, and salty foods. goodbye large fries huhuhu...). I know these things really entail a lot of sacrifice and discipline. As the cliche goes, no pain, no gain right? Shedding excess fats doesn't happen overnight the same way that six pack abs cannot be achieved in a single session. Maintaining a healthy body  seems a life-long struggle but its benefits, definitely, are priceless especially when we get old.